Jesse Labovitz

Gretsch Artist Since: 2003

Country: CA

Band or Affiliations: No Warning, Headstones, Deez Nuts, Independent

Current Kit Setup:
USA Custom in Rosewood Lacquer
16x24 BD, 12 RT, 16 FT,
6.5x14 USA Custom Bell Brass SD
6.5x14 USA Custom Solid Steel SD

"I take influence from many different drumers and styles. I studied classical with John Rudulph who is the princeaple percussion with the Toronto Symphony as well as local Toronto drummer Dave Patel."

We asked...Why Gretsch?:
"Always been my fav drums growing up. They have the most consistant sound and solid tone that to me in the standard in the studio and live.""Take the gig even if you are not totally comfortable in the style then force yourself to kill the gig! Trial by fire, it’s the best way to learn!"

Advice to aspiring musicians?:
"Take the gig even if you are not totally comfortable in the style then force yourself to kill the gig! Trial by fire, it’s the best way to learn!"

A born and raised Torontonian, Jesse started playing drums at the tender age of 10. he studied privately at age 11. After highschool, Jesse attended the prestegious glen gould school, studying with the principal percussionist of the toronto symphony, John Rudolph. After joining the hardcore band no warning in 2002, he played on their second record ‘suffer survive’, then was soon after touring the record accross canada, the u.s. and japan. Since, Jesse has been an in demand drummer in the canadian/ american music scene and has toured and recorded with many different acclaimed groups and artists of all genres. When comeback kid needed a new drummer after 10+ years with their original member, they asked jesse to join the band; he toured 9 months of the year of 2014 and well into 2016. No warning have since reunited and have many dates planned for shows all over the world in 2016 and beyond.